Double fisting Guinness is never a good idea.
Mackenzie came over from Scotland for the weekend to enjoy an extra-touristy weekend with yours truly... drink guinness for breakfast lunch and dinner, stay in an apartment on electricity welfare, frolic through temple bar with the rest of the Americans, buy out the farmers market, hang out with my new friends and be a part of Alice in Wonderland in 3d at the Dublin Film Festival... all the while documenting every move we make similar to an Asian tourist at Disneyland. Welp... she basically spit out her first Guinness, enjoyed hanging out with 50 year olds at Legends more than me and my friends, fell asleep during Alice in Wonderland and in the end I really think that she came to Ireland not to see me, but to try mcdonalds fried apple pies....
quickly making a switch... we ware so typical searching for the nearest american beer
When in Rome... try everything you can from the farmer's market. The freshest smoothie you'll ever have, crepes that literally make you melt and fried dumplings (they're better than they sound)... dumplings for 2 please (if everyone from high school could see us now...)!
Legends... I didn't know they were hosting a field trip from the nursing home...but I don't hate it.
And of course she had to experience a typical night out on the town in Dubs at Fitzsimon's
(from left to right: the way to into it hippie sway, the next american idol, the "don't bother me I'm feelin the music," anddd americas next top model)
Still wearing our 3D glasses 10 minutes after the movie was over... what's more embarrassing: asking someone to take this picture or falling asleep during the best movie I've ever seen?
Sunday we made not one but two trips to mickie d's... strictly for the frapple pies... "hot, crispy and so delicious"... by the look on her face I'd say it's true.
Sunday night we all decided to go out to eat for one last hoo-ra. In blackhall there are two apartment buildings with a courtyard in between. Each building is set up so that you push a button to get out and swipe your key to get in to the next. In order to get to the street we leave our building, walk through the courtyard swipe our key to get into the next then open the door to the street. On our way out to dinner, we find ourselves standing in the courtyard, bri and I both casually looking through our purses for our keys. Casual soon turned frantic. This had never occurred before. We did not have our keys. How were we going to get out of the cold? How were we going to get back into our apartment (which we locked)? How was Mackenzie going to get her stuff from my room by 4AM the next morning to catch her 6:30AM flight? Was it the end of the world as we knew it? We were sooooo NIRVOUS. After what felt like 15 minutes of major freak outs by all 5 of us... I felt something in my jeans pockets... WHO puts keys in their jeans pockets? Needless to say we had a small celebration in my honor and enjoyed a delicious hot irish meal at Messrrs Maguire...
Woke up at 4am for Mack to catch her mini van to the airport... After taxi driver chatty mcgee finally let me go back to bed, the last image I have of mackenzie is a slightly frightened but hysterical face looking back at me from the back of a mini van... All in all, an A+ weekend. Cya back in the land of the free!
Photos courtesy of Mackenzie Rebecca Clark, emerging travel photographer.
ahhh, mackenzie looks so cute! glad you had a good weekend!