It is so weird going from Elon, a place where the driving force against alcohol is so harsh and unnecessary, to a place where alcohol and culture are greatly intertwined and that aspect is acknowledged, accepted and joked about (but what isn't joked about here? I'm beginning to wonder what class is going to be like... wait why am I thinking about class yet?). Our program directors and leaders at the Dublin Business School all encouraged us to go out to the pubs and be social. One man said just that then looked around the room at about 50 tired sad and confused Americans and said "or maybe you've already discovered that..."
Everywhere you look. So yesterday we hike 23043 miles to get on a city bus for a tour of dublin (led by the ever so knowledgeable Nile the great). As we step in Nile asks, "how many of you are sober?" "hee hee hee all of us" "Well that's good cause I'm not." I still think that he was drunk for real. Anyways... after a few stops and a constant stand up show from Nile (why is every single person so funny? Does that mean that Americans aren't that funny?), we enter the tall, majestic grounds of the Guinness Factory, which by the way *fun fact* the Guinness family leases for 45 euro a YEAR on a 9,000 year lease that started in 1759 (aka the world will probably explode by the time the lease is up). We went in the factory for a quick peak and a gander around the gift shop, where I got this for my sad empty box I call my room:

As we're pulling out of the factory down a small alley road, good ol' Nile starts swerving and singing some random irish jig, sneaking in a fake hic-up every minute. "It's a good thing I only had 15 pints, because on the 16th I'm usually drunk." He loves his job. It's perfect.
Last night a group of us from our student apartments walked down the street to a local pub called the Glimmerman, where I had my first pint o' Guinness....and my second.... which would explain why I'm back in bed on my computer right now getting ready for a nap. Orientation was a blast at 10am. After getting lost, finally finding the building, finding out the meeting place had switched, finding the other building, and all the while NOT falling on the 2 inch think sheet of ice that we refer to as a side walk (I DID wipe out eventually... pictures of the bruise I will get tomorrow to follow). As if I don't stick out already... I really need to fall on my bum right outside of a restaurant. Whatever. Met some more Irish peeps last night... they really are the nicest, funniest people I've ever met, genuinely. Everywhere we go we ask people of the street for directions and they'll stop, pull their ipod out, and explain for you, if not actually walk with you. So so sweet!
My guinness it's getting late and my eyes are closing slowly but surely for a great nap. If I get out this cozy haven to shower or go out it will be a miracle.
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